06 June 2009

Nagoya: Sunday Cooking

Tiffy's Stay in Japan
Seminar House
In-house Dormitory in Nagoya Gakuin University
Sunday Cooking

I don't know if I've already mentioned that I get free breakfasts and dinners here at the dormitory in Akaike. It sort of makes up for the fact that it's an hour from school if I ride the subway, plus the fact that it costs 40,000 yen a month (excluding electricity).

On Sundays, however, they don't serve any food -- Sundays being a sort of rest day and all.

So I did what any sane person would do. That is, ask my friends if I can chip in for dinner (that they're going to cook). If you've been my friend long enough, you'll know that I have no talent in cooking. People have been known to tell me to keep clear of the kitchen. I know they're exaggerating, but it really doesn't help my self-esteem. Boo hoo.

I asked Brandon if I can chip in for food -- and he said yes! Now I've tasted Brandon's cooking before. And let me tell you: IT IS GOOD.

Sunday Cooking

Say hi to Brandon!

So then since everyone was going to cook their own food, everyone just brought their hot plates and food to the lounge at the Seminar House (the in-house dormitory; don't ask me why it's called that)!
Sunday Cooking

It was like a mini-party!

Sunday Cooking

Brandon even let me bread the chicken!

And you know what I find weird? They throw out the chicken skin! :c And it's my favorite part! They know that by now, so they didn't throw it out this time! Hee. Yay me. My arteries are SOOOOO going to be blocked by the time I'm 50, but who cares?

Sunday Cooking
