11 March 2012

Summer is hotter with Banana Boat Sunscreen Lotion, Schick, & Nuffnang

My ideal Nuffnang summer is...

...a summer spent eating and drinking my favorite cold treats!


Summer for me is good because random road trips, sand, sun and warm weather! But it's even better because it is then that cold treats take a front seat. I'm a dairy lover, so I enjoy eating food like halo-halo, ice cream, cake, and drinks like fruit and milk shakes.

Lately, my office mates and I have been going on milk tea breaks during lunch. Though I am not a fan of milk tea, I still like Serenitea's Green Apple Yakult and Happy Lemon's Cocoa with Rock Salt and Cheese. My most favorite however, is Chatime's Chocolate Mousse.


I also got in touch with the ice-cream lover and me and tried out Selecta's Magnum Almond Ice Cream. The outer coating is so rich with almonds! It's kinda expensive though, for ice cream, at P55 (at MiniStop).

My other favorite treat is Big Chill's Banana Peanut shake (PhP 50, small). It sounds weird to mix peanut in a fruit shake, but it was way better than the ordinary banana smoothie. It's definitely a must try.

So summer's definitely near and the heat is intensifying! Treat yourself with some cold food or drinks and be refreshed! There's a reason why living in a tropical country is an experience in itself!

Your perfect summer pals: Schick ("Schick. Free your skin.") and Banana Boat Sunscreen Lotion ("We've got you covered.") are your perfect summer pals for your beach adventures this summer.

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